Tools to Organize for Success

Tools to Organize for Success We all recognize that if things were better organized people would be better off. Organization is a key and often missing factor in personal success. It is also essential for a family or group. Attaining one s goals no matter how large or small requires a know-how of organizing. The Scientology Tools to Organize for Success Course shows you how to manage your time most efficiently and how to put your activities in a logical sequence so you get things done. On this course you will learn The natural laws of organization and how to use them How much organizing you should do so you accomplish things with the least effort in the shortest time The patterns of an organization with examples and directions for its use so you can organize your life group or business When you know and use the natural laws on this course you can organize any activity to eliminate confusion ensure stability and achieve your objectives. Please call (808) 955-7771 and ask for Edwina or Troy for more information. Address is 1170 Nuuanu Ave.Honolulu Hawaii 96817



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