Konica Minolta Bizhub C227 Color Laser Printer

Konica Minolta bizhub C227 Details Konica built the bizhub C227 to keep workflows efficient and high-volume offices productive. Offices can use the Konica Minolta bizhub C227 to print copy and scan. Prints and copies are processed in color and B& W at a rate of 28 ppm and color scans are processed at a rate of 45 opm. The bizhub C227 has a color display that is as easy to use as tablets and smart devices.Offices want to stay ahead of the competition. The Konica Minolta bizhub C227 paper handling capabilities start with a standard paper capacity of 1 100 sheets with the capability to be increased up to 3 600 sheets. Each paper source is capable of holding a different size of paper up to 11 x 17 . The bizhub C227 standard duplexing transforms single sided documents into two sides saving your office paper and reducing the file size. Optional finishing capabilities can be added to the bizhub C227 to meet your offices individual needs.



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