Godrej hill retreat baner mahalunge road pune | star estate

Godrej Hill Retreat Pune is one of the most luxurious addresses in the city that is now available for booking with offers at the website of STAR ESTATE. The 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments in Baner Mahalunge, which the well-known Godrej Properties introduced to the market, are a good location. The 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments in Godrej Hill Retreat provide its residents with a luxurious living experience together with world-class amenities. The residential property provides a beautiful view of greenery and its surroundings. The Godrej Hill Retreat is located in a prime area of Mahalunge, which is in the city of Pune in Maharashtra. You will get a living experience that is both smooth and entertaining, provided by the market s well-known company. Mobile No: 917088470884 Website: https://www.starestate.in/godrej-hill-retreat Address: Nande - Balewadi Rd, near KUL Echoloch, Mahalunge, Pune, Maharashtra 411045



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