Cleaning Supervisor

Incorporated in 1993 Quolus quickly established itself as one of the leaders in the skilled construction workforce. Recognized as a premier service provider that stretches across the lower mainland and into Alberta Quolus constantly strives to exceed our client s expectations and is proud to have worked with many of them for the life of the company. Employer Quolus Construction Services Ltd. Position (Full-time) Cleaning SupervisorVacancy 1Main Duties -Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers-Inspect sites or facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards-Recommend or arrange for additional maintenance services-Assist cleaners in performing duties-Co-ordinate work activities with other departments-Establish work schedules Requirement -Education completion of secondary school is usually required.-Experience 2 years to less than 3 years of experiences as a cleaning supervisor are required. Wage 28.85 29.50 per hourWorking Condition 30 40 hrs week. 10 days paid vacation per year or 4 % of vacation pay.Benefit Extended medical insurance including dental insurance and bonusWorking Location Various Locations in Lower Mainland The Primary location 19-7228 Progress Way Delta BC V4G 1H2How to Apply by E-mail info.quolus(at)



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