Dental implants ? care after surgery tips

Dental Implants ? Care After Surgery Tips Dental implants are one of the most efficient procedures that can replace your missing teeth. It is typically a titanium screw that replaces the root of an affected tooth and is placed into the jawbone just like an original tooth root. It helps replace damaged or missing teeth with artificial ones that look and function almost like natural ones. In this article, we will understand how to take care of our implants after the surgery. Dental implants offer a number of advantages over conventional fixed dentures. Some of the most significant are: ? Dental implants South East London have a higher success rate of almost above 97%. ? Decreased chances of problems to adjacent teeth. ? Improved maintenance of jaw bones ? Decreased sensitivity to the adjacent teeth of the implant. Dental implants care Dental implants also need aftercare, which should be strictly followed for a better recovery like any other treatment. Below are the tips from SE19 dentist that will help keep your dental implants for a lifelong. 1. Keep your mouth clean: Clean your mouth and ensure that it is free of microorganisms. One of the easiest ways is to gently swish or hold saline water in your mouth for a few seconds and then spit it. You need to avoid violently swishing the water around your mouth as it can cause damage to the surgical site. As saline water is good for treating wounds, this will help keep your mouth free from developing microorganisms. 2. Keep away from hot foods and drinks: Our gums require a particular time to heal once the surgery from a mindful dentist has been performed. During this time, the gums often show increased sensitivity, so hot drinks and foods can cause irritation and produce stress in the healing area. So, it is advisable to avoid hot foods and drinks during this time and drink more cold water to provide your mouth with some pain relief. 3. Watch over the adverse body reactions: Our bodies tend to show a response to any type of treatment while healing. It is common to expect slight swelling of the injured site after a dental implant. Dental implants South East London recommend using an ice pack for the affected area, which will provide you with instant relief. Your doctor may also prescribe certain pain relievers if you are experiencing more discomfort. In case you are going through other symptoms, which your dentist has not predicted, then you need to see your doctor immediately. 4. Don?t brush aggressively: Although regular brushing is a good habit to maintain proper mouth hygiene, it is recommended to wait a day or two before brushing your dental implant site. As this area is generally sensitive after the surgery, avoid brushing the area couple of days. Moreover, switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent damage and brush gently and carefully, especially at the surgery site. 5. Shift gradually towards solid meals: During the initial period of healing, it will be d



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