Change Your Life In 3 Months - NLP Advanced ESL Business English

Tired of getting nowhere fast in your career or life Need to find your voice for Acting Voiceover TEDTalks Podcasts etc Want to sound and feel more confident in English public speaking interviews meetings presentations Do you speak English as a second or Native language but feel you sound unprofessional Does your accent get in the way of your being understood first time when you speak Trying to pass IELTS OET AMC Examination to immigrate Need more money - not getting paid what you re worth Burnt-out chasing promotions jobs - not getting offers and want to know why Desperate to emigrate - no clue how where to start Stressed and overwhelmed trying to launch your own business and do it all I can help you improve all of these areas and more in just 3 months Meet Your Coach Coach Mark In ManilaHello - I am native British speaking Coach Mark In Manila. Every year I train hundreds of professionals just like you worldwide to transform their lives careers and success through the power of NLP led ESL English Public Speaking Confidence Career Development and Business coaching.I serve as the master coach for founders CEOs and executive professionals working within a huge range of well-known organisations including HSBC Cisco Google Snapchat UN Diplomatic Embassies and many more across the legal political financial medical scientific educational real estate human resources marketing and IT sectors. With specific expertise in coaching native and non-native English speakers - Arabic Mexican Spanish French Turkish Indian Japanese Chinese Vietnamese Filipino and Korean Speakers a speciality - to sound Clearer Impactful Deeply expressive Highly convincing and confident I am a well-respected 5 Star rated Motivational Speaker Business Consultant Mentor NLP Led Coach and Podcaster - s show 0RFSNEIxbCvScIELBsNiYi - as well as Founder of ESL Business English Experts and Initial Impact global coaching academies.Coaching over 800 individual professionals government organizations non-profits NGOs and corporate clients across the world in 2022 23 alone over the past 25 years I have committed to empowering entrepreneurs business professionals coaches counsellors and personal growth students with NLP led Advanced English communication and Career skills to design lives careers businesses and missions with a greater purpose and achieve huge success.You can also find me on s users - Search for Coach Mark In ManilaJOIN ME What you ll learn in your 3 month ESL and Career Success program with Coach Mark In Manila1The mindset you need to have to present and speak publicly to audiences interviewers stakeholders and teams in English with confidence fluency and ease.The challenges faced by Advanced ESL speakers engaging in public speaking are different from those faced by beginners. It s important to understand these differences and the mindset you need to develop to tackle each of these challenges depending on where you are in your ESL journey.2The 4 pillars to power your extraordinary Advanced Business English speaking skills growth and successYou ll discover the ultimate model to rapidly advance your Advanced ESL and Public Speaking Skills to facilitate your success in any circumstance to create extraordinary outcomes. This is Coach Mark In Manila s proven framework that has invariably delivered results to every client that has implemented it.3How to change the way you think about English and Public Speaking to be ready for abundance and unlimited career confidence and opportunities.The universe records your words thoughts and actions and reflects them back to you as your next experience. Learn how to change the way you think about yourself and understand the rules of confidence success and wealth-creation to align yourself with abundance to tap into an endless stream of opportunities promotions career options income and so much more.4Discover how you can (like many other of Coach Mark In Manila s students) make a real transformation in your Advanced Business English speaking abilities career prospects and money in the next few monthsYou ll discover what successful ESL speaking professionals are doing differently in job interviews and client presentations and how to transform your English - it s not just what you say it s HOW you say it - achieve your fullest potential whilst building a lifestyle of freedom wealth and peace of mind.5What your life can look like with your dream career greater English fluency and public speaking confidence.Imagine waking up everyday with a sense of abundance and purpose in every area of life. A life where you never have to worry about where your next dollar will come from never consumed by self-doubt about your English and presentation abilities and living in complete flow and alignment.Wherever you re at now and whatever challenges or doubts you ve had in the past about your English and public speaking you ll emerge from this Coach Mark In Manila 3 month Masterclass program with an increased sense of ESL ability confidence self-esteem plus an actionable and future-proof game plan for building a permanently rewarding fulfilling and transformative career or business.BONUS Highly performing students desiring International career opportunities or internships will be personally introduced by Coach Mark In Manila to his strategic recruiter partner networks in USA Australia New Zealand Singapore UK and Europe seeking executive level positions in legal financial IT medical engineering scientific pharmaceutical educational and marketing positions.50% Discount In January 2023 Only - Don t Miss Out Book Now



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