In vitro fertilization (ivf) cost in chennai

Cost of IVF in Chennai 2023 IVF in Chennai costs between Rs. 1, 00, 000 to Rs. 1, 50, 000, which also covers the medications and preion meds. Additionally, a lot of families have recently spent between Rs. 5 lakhs and Rs. 8 lakhs on the test tube baby procedure. Your past health condition, the length of your infertility, the kind of infertility, and if you require other treatments in addition to IVF can all affect how much your IVF treatment will cost. The cost of IVF varies depending on where you live. IVF therapy is not more expensive in Chennai than other places. Many couples relocate to other locations in search of the cheapest IVF care. Factors Affecting Chennai s IVF Treatment Cost: A number of variables affect the cost of IVF in Chennai. Your IVF treatment in Chennai may succeed or fail depending on these factors. Couples can receive an additional 5% off the IVF procedure s total cost of Rs. 2.5 lakhs at IVF treatment facilities. The list of many factors that could drive up the cost of IVF in Chennai: ? Your IVF procedure in Chennai may cost more due to the required consultation fees, which might reach Rs. 1000. ? The woman s age, the kind of infertility, the length of infertility, and the number of IVF cycles she undergoes can all affect the cost. ? The laboratory fees are required. The entire IVF process takes place in vitro, also referred to as glass, which directly affects the price. ? Most of the time, couples only need to perform IUI. This may enable you to receive IVF therapy at a reasonable cost. ? To assist you with the IVF procedure, many factors such as surrogacy, egg donation, and sperm donation might increase the cost up to Rs. 100, 000. ? Couples will incur additional costs if they choose to store their eggs for use in later cycles. ? Testicular Sperm Aspiration, which costs Rs. 20, 000, may cause your whole IVF treatment cost to increase. What is the cost of IUI in Chennai 2023? Before choosing to undergo IVF therapy, it is advisable to try IUI, also known as intrauterine insemination. The method is far less intrusive and expensive. Without any anesthetic, it can be completed in less time. In Chennai, IUI treatments might cost as little as Rs. 8, 000 or as much as Rs. 10, 000. If you decide to use donor sperm, the price could go up and be between Rs. 10, 000 and Rs. 12, 000. The List Of Fertility Treatments And Their Costs: Type of Infertility Treatment Cost of Infertility Treatment (in Rs.) IUI Treatment 10, 000 to 12, 000 ICSI Treatment 1, 40, 000 to 2, 00, 000 Surrogacy 4, 00, 000 to 6, 00, 000 Laser-assisted Hatching 1, 50, 000 to 2, 00, 000 Frozen Embryo transfer 50, 000 to 60, 000



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