Quality gold for sale

Good Day, My name is John Motuba. I am a National from the Republic of South Africa but I am presently in your country. I am presently here to Market and sell Gold and Diamonds and I request for your partnership to sell them if you are interested for which you will be well compensated for your troubles because I need a citizen of this country for this purpose at least till my documents to stay in the country is finalized. Everything is legal and I have the goods and the legal documents to sell them .A lot of money is involved running into millions of dollars and for this reason when we meet I will like you not to disclose to anyone my residential and office addresses .You are guaranteed a commission of 20% per million dollar sale.Get back to me as soon as possible with my direct email address [email protected] so that I will provide you more details so that we can proceed immediately. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.



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