Travel MerchandisersDemons trators Needed

Merchandisers Demonstrators NEEDED Our people are what make SAS Retail Services a great place to work. All of us work hard to win for the customer some of the nation s largest retailers and that s what makes it fun the drive to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Apply Today Things to consider You will be traveling independently servicing multiple locations access to reliable transportation is critical Heavy travel is required Overnight hotel stays may be required Hotel provided per diem paid for each night spent in a hotel Mileage and drive time paid Competitive pay rates This is a go anywhere do anything position-we staff MULTIPLE BRANDS DOING MULTIPLE TASKS 7 day a week availability is perfect but we will accept more limited availability as well. What We Offer Part Time Benefits 401(K) with company match Paid Training and ongoing career development Mileage reimbursement What You ll Do Reset Activity Shelf Conditions and Schematics Completion. Implement Plan-O-Grams with all items tagged and approved by store management. Must be able to take direction regarding tagging rotating and placing products on shelf. Timely and accurate completion of paperwork reports recaps itineraries timesheets expense reports etc. Demonstrations to increase brand awareness and excitement for products. Qualifications High School Diploma GED or equivalent experience. Previous retail and or merchandising experience (preferred) Able to travel 60 miles at a time Exercise sound judgment work independently and prioritize with minimal supervision Ability to communicate effectively both internally to the Company management and externally with Customers Daily access to a PC computer or smartphone with internet email access



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