How many levels of thai massage should you learn?

There is no end to learning, but there are many beginnings. Learning is never cumulative. It is a movement of knowing which has no end. In fact, our entire life is a big process of learning. Thai Yoga Massage is a form of therapeutic touch that differs in many ways from traditional massage. The provider manipulates the body in certain ways to stimulate organs, improve flexibility and heal the body. Thai massage is part of Thai medicine ? it works with the body?s energy pathways. How Much is Too Much? At IMOSHA, one common question that we hear often is, ?How many levels of Thai massage should I learn?? Well, to answer bluntly, it is as much as you want! Traditionally, Thai massage was never taught in levels. It was a continuous process of learning. The initial stages involved observation and later, practice. Based on the aptitude of the student and the dedication, progress was determined. For ease of learning, Thai yoga massage courses have been structured into four levels ? Beginner and Intermediate (levels 1 and 2) and Advanced (levels 3 and 4). The complexity of the massage and the skill and knowledge required to understand the pressure points of the body and other safety considerations increase with increasing levels. Basic & Intermediate (levels 1 and 2) have the following structure ? Prayer and Meditation History of Thai Yoga Bodywork, benefits, contraindications and principles Introduction to Anatomical concepts (Movement, & Alignment) and Trigger points. Body Mechanics Introduction to Foot Reflexology Working on Energy lines (SEN) of legs using acupressure technique Open groin series Knee / Leg up series Double leg exercises Abdomen and Chest work Arm work (Energy lines of arms and work on palm) Shoulder, Neck, Head and Facework Delivering bodywork in the prone position Delivering bodywork in Seated position Delivering bodywork in Seated position Performing bodywork, which is a part of evaluation done by the teacher and Graduation ceremony Preparing sequences in combinations, to deliver balanced bodywork Thai Yoga Massage Advanced Levels 3 & 4 (30 Hours / 5 Days) (Prerequisite: Level 1 & 2) Advanced (levels 3 and 4/Therapeutic) have the following Structure Advanced SEN(Energy Line) Toksen & Japsen Pressure Point location and treatment Advanced / Therapeutic Course Contents The breakup is as follows: Introduction to Toksen ? History, benefits, and contraindications Using the Toksen equipment Practising Toksen in Supine and side position Practising Toksen in Prone and seated position Choreographing Toksen in combination with Thai Yoga Massage The advanced techniques of Thai Yoga Massage delve into the energy lines of the body (Sen) and the ailments and conditions that disrupt the energy lines. The lines include: To know more:



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