Pipe Welder - 114632

Pipe WelderPay 20 - 24.71 hr.Hours 5 00AM-3 30PMDays Monday - SaturdayLocation Catoosa OKTest 6G Mig & Flux Core on PipeJob Description Mig and Flux Core welding on pipe.About No matter where your projects are Our Company has fully equipped fabrication facilities strategically located to service your power refining petrochemical or heavy industrial needs. Specializing in steel plate structural steel and vessel fabrication our shops are set up to handle your most demanding fabrication requirements.Our relationships with dedicated trucking companies freight handlers LTL carriers railroads and barge companies streamline transport for any project. Our largest fabrication facility at the Port of Catoosa in Oklahoma offers direct barge access to the Gulf of Mexico.OSHA VPP Star DesignationOur largest fabrication facility in Catoosa OK is one of only two heavy metal fabrication facilities in the U.S. to achieve OSHA s VPP Star status. As OSHA s highest designation it indicates the facility s proven success in Management leadership and employee involvement Worksite analysis Hazard prevention and control Safety and health training Receipt of this designation is a testament to our employees commitment to maintaining a world-class safety culture and their focus on eliminating incidents all-together.Job Order 114632Stand-By Personnel Welding Division - Call or Text us at 918-584-7018We take walk-in applications from 7 00am to 3 30pm Monday-Friday.Office Location 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 74120 near the corner of Hwy 244 East and Utica.You can apply online at www.standbypersonnel.comSend your resume to resume(at)standbypersonnel.comFollow us on Facebook s www.facebook.com weldingjobstulsa Stand-By Personnel offers very competitive referral bonuses -- 125 for a skilled worker and 200 for a welder. We also offer a 50.00 advance after your first day of work.Stand-By Personnel s Welding Division is a proven leader when it comes finding welders jobs. Stand-By staffs welders for many of the top companies in Oklahoma. Stand-By is the only staffing company that offers weld testing and has an onsite State Certified Weld Testing Facility.



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