
11 PORTEA LANE Holland Landing ON L9N 0S9 17.25 hour 1 vacancy Employment groups Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Permanent employment Full time 40 hours week As soon as possibleJob requirements Languages EnglishEducation No degree certificate or diplomaExperience Will trainWork setting Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note This is NOT a condition of employmentTasks Sweep mop wash and polish floors Dust furniture Vacuum carpeting area rugs draperies and upholstered furniture Make beds and change sheets Stock linen closet Clean disinfect and polish kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances Disinfect operating rooms and other areas Pick up debris and empty trash containers Wash windows walls and ceilings Clean changing rooms and showersSecurity and safety Criminal record checkWho can apply to this job The employer accepts applications from - Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. - Other candidates with or without a valid Canadian work permit.How to apply By email bestcarehire(at)



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