African Grey parrots hand reared

We are not a business we keep and rear parrots as a hobby based in the New Forest we have been keeping hand rearing parrots for many years. They re beautiful creatures to watch and enjoy with 11 grandchildren coming and going and a cocker spaniel in permanent residence the birds have plenty going on around them. Our first 4 babies of 2022 are now in for hand rearing. (2 reserved) they will be well socialised super tame with great temperaments we have around 6 months hand rearing to get them underway ready for you shape to your family s life style and circumstances over the days weeks months and years that follow ready late August. They will be your companions for many years giving unconditional love and fun every single day African Grey s are incredibly intelligent birds the more you put in the more you get out. Each hand reared African Grey parrot comes closed rung with its own unique ID UK CITES A10 certification from DEFRA information pack (emailed to you) a small starter pack of nutritionally balanced pellets pet carrier to get your baby home and as much help advise as you need from us either before or after you get your baby home. We want your experience to be a good one so please ask whatever questions you have in your thoughts there are no silly questions there are just questions and the need to learn we re here to help you make owning a beautiful baby parrot a memorable experience for all the right reasons. If you would like to reserve one please drop us a line via the advert text or call we look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Once reserved we will give weekly updates with photos and short video clips so you can see and share their progress and development.



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