Save $100 on this 52 inch smart indoor outdoor ceiling fan with

[Product Link] dp/ B0BGG9K33Q?ref=myi_title_dp&th=1 [Coupon Info] $100 Coupon || Expires : 12/ 15/ 2022 [Price Info]Final Price: $169.99; Original Price :$269.99 [Product Title]Arterki Smart Ceiling Fan Compatible with Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, 52 Inch Ceiling Fan with Lights and Remote with 10-Speed DC Motor and Dimmable LED Light, Indoor & Outdoor, Black [Product Features] [10 Speeds]: 10 wind speed adjustable [lights]: 3 light color temperatures including 2700K Warm, 3500K Natural, and 4000K Cool, dimmable brightness from 100% to 1%; [Modern Control]5 ways to control this ceiling fan: remote control, smart app control, or voice control via; Amazon Alexa, Siri Shortcuts, and Google Assistant; [DC Motor]The Ultra-Powerful Reversible Silent DC Motor: you can use the remote or our smart APP to reverse the rotation of your ceiling fan. This function makes your fan usable all year-round.DC motors are also better for the planet and your wallet with up to 75% increased energy efficiency when compared to traditional AC fans. [Easy Installation]:It comes with a useful and detailed instruction guide and we also offer installation video, you can finish the installation within 20 minutes.



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