The Real Deal - 3-Week Career Classes at KandG Career Academy

We are the real deal K& G Career Academy is dedicated to providing affordable and reliable training for our community. Our goal is to provide hands-on and one on one training where each student will receive personal attention in their career development.You can register for as little as 250. Payment plans are available because we believe in a debt-free solution to your education. It s a minimum investment and a maximum return. Additionally we offer job placement assistance and resume-building services.Classes begin on a monthly basis giving you the opportunity to start at any time. You don t need to wait to start a career. Certified Home Health AideOnline Certified Home Health AideCertified Nurse AideOnline and In-Class PhlebotomyOnline EKG TechnicianOnline Medical Office AdministrationOnline Medical Billing & amp CodingOnline PhlebotomyCPR BLSLearn more K& G Career AcademyCall or Text



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