Guided meditation healing tips ? hear from experts

Guided Meditation Healing Tips ? Hear From Experts You cannot live a positive life with a negative mind. The best cure for the body is a quiet mind. Guided Meditation is the magic that helps you let go of the unwanted stuff and cleanse your body, mind and soul. Meditation can reintroduce you to happiness and wellness. It is a soothing balm that offers a great way to nourish, heal and blossom. The Calm Amidst the Storm Modern life is hectic and stressful. It is akin to being stuck in a raging storm. Stress is the trash of modern life ? we all generate it, but if it is not disposed of, it will consume us and bury us. Guided Meditation can wipe away stress, heal illnesses, reduce anxiety and instill peace and calm. It helps us unwind, relax and rejuvenate. Even a few minutes spent in mediation can make a world of difference and recharge the batteries. Meditation adds vigour to life. Heal Better with IMOSHA The power of sound can be used for healing by using it to relieve stress and rejuvenate the mind, body and soul. The vibration of sound waves release tension and open blocked energy channels in the body. Sound Healing works on the body-mind connection and hence heals on both mental and physical level. Sound Healing can be used to relieve anxiety, depression, stress and treat dementia. Singing Bowls are an intrinsic part of Tibetan culture. The Singing Bowls technique uses bowls that are of different sizes. Each bowl produces a unique frequency of sound and vibrations. The unique vibrations from the bowls, when used together, work on different parts of the body simultaneously. Singing Bowls stimulate circulation, clear energy blockages and promote healing and wellness. There are many benefits of Tibetan Singing Bowls: Reduces stress and anxiety significantly Improves circulation Chakra balancing Induces a meditative state of mind Increases mental and emotional clarity Promotes stillness and well being Stimulates the immune system Induces an altered state of consciousness The sessions are conducted either one to one or in small groups. To know more:



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