FS Tesla Powerwall 2

Offered for sale is a Tesla Powerwall 2 Stored inside This is completely wrapped up and in perfect boxed condition along with hardwares for wall hanging The Powerwall 2 with gateway 2 Condition is New.This Powerwall is an integrated battery system that stores your solar energy for backup protection so when the grid goes down your power stays on. Your system detects outages and automatically recharges with sunlight to keep your appliances running for days.Energy Capacity 13.5 kWh Size and Weight L x W x D 45.3 in x 29.6 in x 5.75 in 251.3 lbs Operating temperature -4 F to 122 F Water and dust resistanceThe powerwall is worth it for homeowners who are looking to save even more money on their energy bills. However you will need to make sure you generate enough energy. With that being said a Tesla powerwall is one of the best solar batteries you can find on the market today.The Powerwall solar battery intelligently stores energy during times when energy rates are lower and uses the stored energy when electricity prices are higher. The self-contained waterproof unit is always on operates quietly and can be mounted on the floor or wall individually or as part of a stack of multiple batteries.If you re using only the essentials like your WiFi phone refrigerator and some lights you can expect the Powerwall to hold you over for around 24 hours during a blackout.This unit is brand spankin new and ready for you to have the highest kWh home storage battery in a single box before anyone else does. You cannot purchase the special edition nor easily get Elon to sign a powerwall 2 for you otherwise- so don t miss out on this Powerwall is fully waterproof and can be sited in-door or outdoor. The battery has an integrated temperature control system which heats or cools the battery and regulates its temperature this means the battery can be sited outside increasing the choice of installation location.My home requires too many electrical upgrades to fall within my budget. As previously stated this powerwall is completely unopened and upon payment I can open it before shipping to prove it is as stated.The install was too costly for my home and I decided to spend the money to upgrade my breaker box and wiring first. While the timing wasn t right for me this could be your moment which is a great steal.I would not want this sitting just there in the house when it can be put to good use for sustainable energy elsewhere.The asking price for it is USD 7500If you are interested please kindly PM or email for inquiries esales2 at protonmail dot comThank you for your time.



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