Engineering Technician III - Utilities Coordinator - NEW HIGHER

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s mjcesue6 by October 17 2022 at midnight EST to be considered. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork.We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with 200 reviews. NEW HIGHER SALARY 41 429 - 72 500 The ChallengeWe are looking for an experienced Engineering Technician to join our Division 6 Utilities team as our Utilities Coordinator. In this role you will Develop utility relocation strategies and provide coordination services for the removal relocation and modification of utility facilities (water sewer gas electric telecommunication etc.) impacted by highway improvement projects. Services include development of a Utility Analysis & Routing Report utility relocation schedules and utility plans and estimates. Authorize utility company relocations and administration of contracts consisting of utility relocation agreements for adjustments to existing and proposed facilities and encroachment contracts (permits for occupancy of highway right of way) due to highway construction. Implement advanced engineering criteria and innovative construction methods in the coordination relocation and placement of utilities along highway rights of way and proposed corridors while adhering to environmental regulations and roadway design standards. Review complex highway plans in various stages of completion for accuracy of utility data. Conduct field inspections for data verification. Consultate with interdepartmental units utility owners and consultants. What You BringExperience planning developing scheduling tracking and completing projects independently or with limited supervision. Customer service experience solving problems involving explaining complicated engineering concepts to customer groups. Experience applying engineering concepts to solve complex problems. Teamwork and collaboration skills. Computer skills in Microsoft Office and CADD drafting software. Thorough knowledge of state federal rules regulations related to utilities projects to ensure compliance and provide guidance interpretation. Ability to independently conduct complex inspections for contract compliance of standards codes and specifications. Ability to perform the most complex technical work in a specific materials area or perform a wide range of sampling testing and inspection duties to determine adherence to codes standards. Ability to exercise a wide range of decision-making and judgment. Excellent communications skills to express complex technical and or program concepts in a clear concise organized and persuasive manner. Ability to modify delivery language or material to account for the characteristics and needs of the audience. Ability to maintain detailed records analyze findings and recommend corrective actions. Education and ExperienceAssociate s degree in Engineering Technology Survey Technology or a related field and 3 years of relevant technician experience or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Questions Call me Evelyn Proctor at (910) 364-0600. Connect to NCDOT Careers onLinkedIn s in ncdot-careers See all NCDOT jobs at s ncdotjobs



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