Hoveround Mobility Chair

Bought new only used a few times before I had to put in storage before covid . Upon removal from storage the new battery that in the chair wasn t charging so they sent me a new battery and new wheels though there s nothing wrong with the wheels it just standard I guess when u order a new battery. So you ll need to bring someone who can help lift the chair as the new charger needs to be installed and u may be able to take or send in the one that s in the chair and have it recharged as it was new it just went dead due to non use giving you a spare as well . So the new ones and extra wheels are boxed as I did not want to install them since the it s too big for my house when someone else can get use out the chair and everything s like new and this way the new charger they sent won t be low from non use so it all work . Aside from needing to install and recharge the old stuff . For a fee hover round will send someone to your house to help u do it all or u can read or watch it on the internet on how to do do everything through hoverround . Will need help to load as it a heavy chair and you ll need to install and recharge everything at your place for it to work . No holds sold as is again it was new when I put in storage before covid. Again I only used the chair about 3 times hence why the battery died on me and I had to order the replacement after later realizing it was too large for my new place so got new scooter and want this to go to someone who can use it as I know what it s like not to gravel to walk or get around very well . It is all automatic . Very nice heavy duty chair .



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