BI Grafana developer

Job DescriptionThe Candidates will address Identity Access Management Identity Fraud Gateway dashboarding and alarming used by IT Operations Finance and Fraud Prevention organizations built using Splunk Oracle Kibana and other data sources consolidating logging detail counters in Elastic and Influx DB and then exposing this data on real-time Grafana dashboards. In addition there will be work in support of monitoring and analyzing the trends of the dashboards enabling real-time alarming and coordinating with application teams on logging standardization. Candidates will be required to develop and design LogStash and other jobs to consolidate application log counters in a standard methodology and output on Elastic Search and Influx DB building process to migrate history as well as real-time data manipulation and create and organize Grafana dashboards providing business transactional details operational and server health details and customer aggregated funnels across channels. Candidate has to have experience in Data Analytics and should be able to solve complex problems and be capable of mining data from primary and secondary sources then reorganizing said data in a format that can be easily interpreted and transformed into reporting structures.



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