Changzhou quality flag industry company

Changzhou Quality Flag Industry Co. Ltd. is the leading flag producers worldwide in quality and capacity. We can look back on an almost 100 years company history which started in Germany in the year 1918. We produce In a more than 40, 000 sqm factory workshop. We are specialized in the production of high quality flags and banners as well as parasols, tents, beachflags and display systems. We own in-house capabilities for screen printing with dyed and pigmented ink up to 10 colors and in a maximun size of 220 cm by 600 cm. Our capacities reach until 53, 368 km screen printed fabric per year, which is the biggest capacity in flag business worldwide. Besides that we also use the most modern digital printing technology. We use best knitted polyester, woven polyester and satin materials in weights between 50 to 600 gsm, and can offer many other kinds of material such as nylon fabric. The fabrics are produced also by ourselves .Our products are exported to more than 200 countries and regions worldwide.



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