Social Media Evaluator for English Spanish Speakers in US &mdash

DATA COLLECTION OPPORTUNITY Do you like having video calls using your phone Would you be excited about testing a new feature on the Facebook Messenger App This Lupton project may be for you Be part of a unique testing project that will improve Messenger. You will be asked to give your feedback regarding the Avatar feature of Messenger fill out surveys test it take a screenshot and record videos your screen while using the App... -We look for people having good attention to details to report accurately all the errors -You need to be ready to create your own Avatar an animated version of yourself that reproduces the movements and expressions of your face-Long term project-Payment will be processed weekly (from November 20 per week bonuses for 20 to 30 minutes of work) Steps to create an Appen Account 1. Go to the Appen website click the APPLY button and create an account.s qrp public jobs sref 62e31792cd8ad3bad40a69b7856da8172. Choose English as your language and United States for your location3. Once your account has been created click the All Projects Tab and look for Project Lupton 4. Choose the Qualify button to start your qualification process for the project. 5. Please make sure to follow the instruction on how to proceed with your application. Thank you



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