Risen amusement equipment co, ltd

RISEN Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. is a design, production and sales as one company. Located in ?China Educational Toy Industrial Base?-Wenzhou, where is the industrial cluster with convenient transportation. Our main products are outdoor playground equipment, indoor play toys, naughty castle, fitness, swing, seesaw, spring rider, rubber etc., which are used for school, kindergarten, community, park, shopping mall etc. We have got ISO14001?2004, IOS9001, SG, CE and ASTM. Our products are sold to Europe, American, The Middle East, Austria, Southeast Asia and all around the world. RISEN has 10 years experienced of playground equipment, we comply with standard (EN1176. SII, etc.) strictly from design to production. As per to client?s area and concept, we will supply overall design plan, control the quality arrange fast delivery, give installation guidance and patient after-sales service. To give you one -stop service. To save your time. RISEN always provide you with qualified products, professional suggestion and solution, serve the society, create a better future. Let?s grow up together.



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