Brother pr600ii embroidery machine

Whether you re looking to start a home business or just looking to open up your creativity, this 6 needle machine is for you. It comes complete with everything you need from thread, backing, frames of all sizes and so much more to get started. It is user-friendly and easy-to-use. Main Features 6 needle single head with auto-color change Maximum embroidery speed of 1000 SPM Dual USB Port Maximum embroidery area 12" x 8" Extra large color LCD touch screen control panel Basic Features Automated Upper and Lower Thread Cutting Yes Built-in Memory Yes LCD Size (Horizontal x Vertical) inches Yes Lighting Yes Needle Threading System Yes, all 6 needles On-Screen Editing Yes On-Screen Help Yes Quick-Set? Bobbin Vertical, auto thread delivery Thread Sensor Upper, lower. This Machine is Used But in Great Condition. Low stitch count. Program with your laptop makes it so easy! Comes with everything you need, except laptop. Thread, multiple frames, bobbins, backing and so much more! Pick up only Fayetteville, NC $5500. cash only. Reply to: [email protected]



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