Warehouse ManagerWarehouse Worker

Overhead Door Company We sell install and service garage doors garage door openers and related products among the products. We offer competitive pay exciting projects one of the best training and advancement programs in the industry and a great working environment. We currently operates in three locations in New York and recently open a new location in Oklahoma City with facility already in operating state. We currently have vacancy in a Driver Forklift Operator position and also an opening in the Warehouse Management department. Responsibilities Order picking loading and unloading trucks handling BOLs Inventory Control receiving shipments checking in drivers filling out documents properly and quality control of shipments. All forklift positions require ability to lift 30-50 lbs. Must be able to stand walk move about and climb (ascend & descend) ladders for shift duration Manual dexterity. Normal or corrected vision to read forklift directions and visually inspect parts and to distinguish colors. Regularly required to reach bend and stoop for objects. Perform repetitive movement Heavy lifting (outdoors). Bilingual is a plus (is English a must Spanish is optional) Working the hours of 8AM - 5 30PM Monday- Friday and 10AM - 3PM Saturday (OT available depending on the project employer has at hand ) Requirements Able to Lift 30 pounds Stand for Shift Duration Minimum 6 months verifiable Forklift experience Must be at least 22 years old Reliable Transportation Use of forklift and pallet jack. Must be a TEAM PLAYER



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