Everfresh Processing Ltd. is looking for an administrative assis

Everfresh Processing Ltd. is looking for an administrative assistant Job Description Employer Everfresh Processing Ltd.Location of work 118-6951 72 St Delta BC V4G 0A2Business Address Same as aboveTerms of Employment Full-time Permanent Part-time is also availableTitle of Position Administrative AssistantWage 24.50 hourHours of Work 30 40 hours per weekBenefit 4% of gross salaryNumber of Positions 1Language English Duties - Use general accounts knowledge to check and process invoices- Receive sort and distribute daily emails mails and other materials to staff- Answer and direct incoming telephone calls and messages- Provide customer services over the phone and in person with our clients and departments- Maintain and order supplies for each department of company- General clerical duties including photocopying fax and mailing- Maintain electronic and hard copy filing system- Retrieve documents from filing system- Handle requests for information and data- Greet visitors and direct them to employer or appropriate person- Prepare written responses to routine enquiries- Schedule and coordinate meetings appointments- Arrange business trip schedules and make reservations when requested Qualifications Education Completion of secondary schoolExperience Completion of a one- or two-year college or other programs for administrative assistants OR equal amount of previous clerical experience is required. Please e-mail your resume to everfreshprhr(at)gmail.com



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