Hero homes gurgaon - 3 bhk apartments for sale

Hero Homes Gurgaon is a world class residential project brought to life by Hero Homes Developers on Dwarka Expressway, Gurugram. The project offers luxury residences distributed in 1039 units spread over 9.05 hectares. The private project consists of 2BHK-3BHK residences equipped with smart home automation and premium specifications with sizes ranging from 683 square feet to 1082 square feet. The project consists of apartments with maximum living space and extensive views of the hills, open green areas and the riverfront of .This offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. No other community in the area can boast of such a feature-rich location. The project is located at the main junction of the Dwarka Expressway and the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway, making it an ideal travel destination.



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