SO MUCH FUN in Brisbane (Can we beat the Claw AND find a MAGIC D

Olive and FamBamDad head out for some local fun today They hit the arcade and won a Bubble Tea Plushie prize then headed off to Toy World to check out some of the latest toys grabbed some yummy Breadtop snacks then headed off to our coolest local skatepark for some scootering. After all that they needed to cool off with some yummy slushie s and a final stop off at our local beach for some tree climbing and to check out a SECRET MAGIC DOOR. We hope you enjoyed this adventure and don t forget to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe for more. Thanks for watching. FAMBAM OUT Kindly click on this link and watch the video and remember to subscibers s watch v qveDkNUuIgw& t 57s



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