seeking friends first

Tired of being a scammers target only want whats real i have serious trust issues for good reason but too stubborn to just give up i apeciate friendships that are real am older and have the patients to wait to find a right one and dont plan on staying out here forever im a southern country girl feel out of place here which doesnt help matters any so im just looking round for now and friends first and see what comes. im a verry easygoing person smart try to be honest verry quiet but can be outspoken at times when i feel the need to be heard am creative and artistic animal lover am 63 right now 64 in a couple months. i am white- wiccan love jesus have minor issues not dissabilities used to do a lot more than i can do anymore but still occasionally enjoy doing things like gardening horses and riding going out on a boat love movies and good music prefer warmer weather and the fall. enjoy antiqueing crocheting going to history museums a lot more. not looking for sex im a sexual just looking for friends first.



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