Yes Your Dog Can

Yes your dog can Let me show you how your dog is a Family Disaster Dog Every dog has the abilty and desire to help its owner and family. I would like to show you how to use your dog s natural abilty to the advantage in natural disasters and to find missing family members (in case anyone gets lost) plus how to be prepared to evacuate with pets.Want to train your dog for Search and Rescue work or K9SAR sports Contact me for K9 Mantrailing Area Search and Cadaver HR seminars private training and info.Learn more by visiting Family Disaster Dogs online or contact us for books and in-person training. There s over 250 pages of free dog training and care. Ebooks are free on Kindleunlimited and on my site s book page you can ask for a signed author copy directly from me if you rather not use amazon.Author of 4 dog training books based on over 30 years professional experience.



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