What is an essay?

Usually students perceive an essay shark review as an ordinary review on a given topic, although even from the translation of ezzai (French) it follows that the essay is more like a reflection on a specific issue, the transfer of one s vision, an essay. Compositionally, an essay implies a freer presentation of thought than an essay, which must have three or more parts. Whereas in an essay the student is bound to public opinion or other credible source, in an essay the topic can be treated as an expression of his or her individual opinion on the issue at hand. Of course, writing such a work requires knowledge of the issue about which an opinion will be stated, so one must know exactly what an essay is and how to write it correctly. The small size of the essay text implies brevity, conciseness and clarity of the author s thoughts. Whereas an essay assumes the liberty in presentation, an essay keeps the author within the limits of two to five pages of typewritten text (computer text).



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