High quality vending machine from china manufacturer

TCN, one of the biggest vending machine factories in China, has plants with more than 100000 square meters, fixed assets up to more than 500 million RMB, has own automatic spraying line- environment friendship, assembly line, sheet production line and the injection molding production line, mold shop, yield up to 150000 units. We provide media touch screen vending machines , belt conveyor elevator vending machines and combo vending machines and custom made vending machines, all machines can with smart remote management system. TCN not only provide vending machines but also series vendor system solutions. TCN exported machines to more than 100 countries, such as Singapore, Australia, America, Canada, France, UK, Russia and so on. Address:No.58 North Yinzhou Road, High-technology Industrial park, Ningxiang City, Changsha, Hunan Province Tel:+ 86-731-87101005/+ 86-18711029693 Wechat:+ 86-18711029693 E-mail:[email protected] https://www.tcnvend.com/



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