Here?s why you must have travel insurance when travelling abroad

Almost all the top destination countries urge travellers to have travel insurance. But why is so much stress placed on travel insurance? This is because life is unpredictable. Humans can plan and plan but if mother nature decides to strike, she strikes hard. One can never know when a fun ski trip or mountain hike turns into a disaster so it?s always better to be safe than sorry. You would be surprised to know how many travellers get sick after trying new food or experiencing weather changes they are not used to. Flights get cancelled constantly during peak travel times which can throw the entire schedule of travellers off-balance. For adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers who love to try dangerous activities for their amusement, travel insurance is the safest option in case of a calamity. This is because most of the top tourist destinations of the world have expensive healthcare. Nobody would want to spend their lifesavings on a trip and have that money go to waste over cancelled flights, health issues or lost baggage. Not only does travel insurance make travelling convenient, it also makes sickness convenient as well. AlCabana offers a variety of travel insurance packages covering COVID, dental emergencies, hospitalization, etc. Our travel insurance will also have you covered in case your flight gets cancelled or your baggage gets lost during your transit. Because in all honesty, who would want to travel without donning the carefully curated wardrobe you brought with you for those perfect insta-worthy shots?



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