Heli dubai

UAE is the land of wonders. Wherever you go, the landmarks and infrastructure just take your breath away. People from all over the world travel here throughout the year to enjoy the marvellous sights. Now imagine viewing these sights from the sky. Sounds fascinating, doesn?t it? AlCabana offers some of the best views of Dubai from the sky in prices you would not believe. AlCabana has partnered with HeliDubai for the month of August to offer the best views in the best rates. The package starts with a security briefing after which you will be transferred to the helipad. Once the tour begins, it covers the aerial views of The Palm, World Islands, Burj Khalifa, Burj-ul-Arab etc. You may have seen Dubai skyline from the roads, but the sight becomes thrice as beautiful if you watch it from the sky. This offer is only valid until 31st August so hurry up and enjoy these immaculate views in the best discounted prices.



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