Aeco 290 2wd tractor | aeco 290 2wd 80 hp tractor for sale

AECO Tractor 290 Tractor is a most used and well reputed tractor model of AECO Tractor. Due its good qualities, its demand among farmers is high. Some of its qualities are given below: *2 and 4 Wheel drive versions *Tier II engines with Powerful, high torque *Transmissions with Efficient Centre Shift progressive and logical gear sequence *Excellent power transfer with Simple PTO System *Efficient AECO3-point linkage system easy-to-operate *Powerful external Hydraulic system *Simple well-positioned mechanical controls with large comfortable operator platform *Powerful, high-capacity lift capability You may see further details on our website : For other details including prices and sea freight , kindly contact us at the number provided on whatsapp



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