Warehouse for RentLease in Allentown PA - WEX 824

0.75 PER SQ FT PER MONTH 1 000 SQ FT MINIMUM PER MONTH 14 000 TOTAL SQ FT AVAILABLE - THIS WAREHOUSE ALLOWS LABOR AND STORAGE INSIDE - YOU CAN WORK IN THE WAREHOUSE REGULARLY This 14 000 SF facility is a great multi-use building. It has a 1 000 SF minimum. That s the smallest space available to rent.If you need space for dead storage THIS IS IT. If you a 3PL style fulfillment center for your merchandise THIS IS IT. If you need a place to store your ecommerce so you can come in several days a week and work in the space THIS IS IT. If you need a place where your team can assemble your product THIS IS IT.If you are interested in create space at a great price for a variety of uses BOOK YOUR TOUR TODAY If you are interested in this facility please fill out the form below it is sent directly to me. I will have the tenant manager respond back to you to book a tour to see the space and discuss pricing s share.hsforms.com 1ZK3ynKGAQb6AkLKipzmcUQbvwy5



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