Vegan food counter Copper Branch for sale Laurentians

Vegan Franchise Restaurant Copper Branch for sale Sainte-Therese Laurentians -- Vegan food counter (shop in shop) duty free full expansion installed in a health grocery store. Manufacturing on site to supply the refrigerators of the grocery store 50% of the income. Very easy to operate. All inclusive monthly rent with electricity heating air conditioning Wi Fi hot water cash fees for the refrigerated portion (50% of revenue) large parking lot snow removal lawn emptying business taxes etc. Good clientele Middle to high middle class 20 - 50 years old. Little competition. Excellent and improving financial situation and forecasts. Possibility of development by opening other counters. TurnkeyBrochure with all the information available upon request. LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Stanislas DidierSales Mergers & Acquisitions DirectorBluuglass Business AcquisitionsCAN ( 1) 514-618-9165FR ( 33) 07-66-37-69-66 www.bluuglass.coms.didier(at)bluuglass.comFra nchise Copper Branch Sainte-Th r se (Basses-Laurentides) -- Comptoir alimentaire vegan (shop in shop) en franchise en pleine expansion install dans une picerie sant . Fabrication sur place pour alimenter les frigidaires de l picerie 50 % des revenus. Tr s facile op rer. Loyer mensuel tout compris avec lectricit chauffage climatisation Wi-Fi eau chaude frais de caisse pour la partie r frig r e (50 % des revenus) grand stationnement d neigement gazon vidange taxes d affaires etc Belle client le Classe moyenne moyenne lev e 20 - 50 ans. Peu de concurrence. Situation financi re et pr visions excellentes et en progression. Possibilit de d veloppement en d ouvrir d autres comptoirs. Cl en main.Brochure avec les informations disponible sur demande. VEUILLEZ LAISSER VOS COORDONN ES Stanislas DidierDirecteur Ventes Fusions & Acquisitions d EntreprisesBluuglass Vente d EntreprisesCAN ( 1) 514-618-9165FR ( 33) 07-66-37-69-66 www.bluuglass.coms.didier(at)



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