Callboy - 26 yr old only for women

PLAYBOY available for female aunties college girls divorced women and ladies who are not satisfied with their partners ... My Services Pussy lickingFuckingSex in different positionsFrench KissFingering ........and whatever you likeAbout Me I m a 26 yr old Telugu boy who also knows English Hindi languages. I m into this field for finance reasons and also for my satisfaction(I have more sexual desires ). Hey ladies I know you might have seen many boys like me and have enjoyed well with their services but you contact me for once and see if you are satisfied with my services as well. After a service we can see each other once again if we are good else I promise there will be no contact between you and me if you are not satisfied. Don t worry I will not charge much and we can discuss the charges once we connect.My details Height 5 4 Body slimDon t be scared or don t feel shy. I will make every moment memorable and keep every secret of ours with only me. Trust me.CONTACTWhatsapp 91 9703350410Email rockyjacky2525(at)



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