Best collaboration software for virtual meetings

Leverage Visual Learning We all know how hard it is to capture our audiences? attention even before the pandemic. Now, it is practically impossible! Most of us are guilty of succumbing to countless distractions. We are always checking our text messages and even playing a quick game or two on the side during a remote presentation! This is because most remote presentations we see have reverted to a screen share using a linear PowerPoint slide show with absolutely no visual stimuli. This makes it much harder for you to connect with the presenter, and conversely for out audiences to connect with us and our message. Reactiv SUITE allows you to create a rich visual and sensory canvas for your next online or hybrid meeting. You can fluidly bring up multiple types of content and media, manipulate these objects as easily as they were pieces of paper, present any type of information and at all times pin your presence on the screen so the audience can always see you in their direct line of sight. Reactiv SUITE to power your online meetings Reactiv SUITE is designed to solve the problem of low engagement in meetings. Pin your camera and elevate your presence. You can make everyone in your meeting an active participant, regardless of their virtual meeting persona. Deliver impactful presentations that create long-lasting memories and build trust. for a free trial please visit:



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