Must Sell 11.24 AC Vacant Residential Land

Selling Price 175 000 Land Type Residential Land Land Acres 5.35 Ac and 5.89 Ac Legal Description Lot 3 TOM Burns Estate DIV Lot 1 (5.35 Acs) Lot 4 TOM Burns Estate DIV Lot 1 (5.89 Acs) Gps Coordinate 34.87 N -78.72 W Parcel 0481-01-6665 0481-01-7207 Square Feet of Land 233046 256568Own your own piece of land. Vacant lot ready for you to build your new home on or as an investment lot. Established area drive down 8375 Cedar Creek RD to check it out. This is a 1.61 Acres of Vacant Land located in Cumberland County 8375 Cedar Creek RD Fayetteville NC 28312 this property has an easy access to social infrastructure (Educational Institutions Market Mall Hospital Park etc.)17-mins drive to Sure Stay Plus Hotel By Best Western Fayetteville 27-mins to Downtown FayettevilleSchools J S Waters Elementary Fear Senior HighRestaurant Nearby Corner Grill B & C Restaurant and CateringHospitals Nearby Highsmith-Rainey Specialty Hospital Cape Fear Valley Medical CenterPlease send me an email Antoineambrose27(at) or call 763-496-7146 for inquiries.Note Please Have a visit on the property first. Take a look at it before making a cash offer. Thank You.



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