Clinical Psychologist - Raleigh NC

Apply Here - s careers jobs 2c1ea7bb-a6e9-5a3d-be9b-14cd1819d7db apply source 2058515-CS-46948 Matrix Providers - Caring for America s military familyServing America s military family by aligning exceptional healthcare workers with rewarding career opportunities.We are offering a rewarding opportunity for a qualified Clinical Psychologist (Psych) to assist with Veteran s Medical Disability Exams (MDE) in Raleigh NC We are hiring providers to conduct one-time non-treatment exams. Status Full time Schedule Monday- Friday 8 00am- 4 00pm Benefits Competitive financial package with a comprehensive insurance package including health dental vision and life coverage. Accrued Paid Time Off (PTO) & Paid Holidays 401(k) Plan The Clinical Psychologist must have the following qualifications Graduation from Doctorate or Post-Doctorate APA-Accredited Program. Ph.D. or Psy.D. Current license in the State you will be practicing in. Prior VA or compensation exam experience is a plus but not required. Prior PTSD experience is a plus but not required.



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