Hotel and Restaurant jobsUSA

McDonald s Restaurant Staff Jobs APPLY NOWQualifications All you ll need is an outstanding attitude willingness to learn and grow and the capability to excel in a fast-paced team environment You must be 16 years of age or older to work as a Crew Member at McDonald sResponsibilities Connect with customers to ensure they have a positive experience Help customers order their favorite McDonald s meals Prepare all of McDonald s World Famous food Partner with other Crew and Managers to meet daily goals and have fun Keep the restaurant looking fantasticBenefits 5000 - 10 000 per month Crew member opportunities are available practically anytime breakfast lunch late nights weekends - whatever You ll find out that a McDonald s crew job can help you grow with top notch training as well as our Archways to Opportunity education programs that offer high school completion courses upfront college tuition assistance and English Language courses McDonald s can take you anywhere and give you the benefits you need for your life while doing so. APPLY NOW



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