Caterpillar Engine (3406-B)

Caterpillar Engine (3406-B)Came out of a 1988 Western Star last dino test was set up for 475 HP engine model 3406-B serial 4MG15021 arrangement 9Y2534. Good oil pressure around 700.000 miles on engine. New rods and main bearing around 500.000 miles. Jake brake works no blow by small oil leak on front cover. Also some new gaskets with front cover gasket and new front and rear main seals with oil pan gasket. Also in the deal 2 aluminum wheels 22.5 uni mount. In the deal is part of the engine stand NOT included in the sale but willing to let go for 150.00 more. My location is Camden-on-Gauley West Virginia 26208 Have large tractor with loader here to load engine if needed. Asking price 5000.00 or make me an offer any questions call me at 681-365-1294 ask for Larry.



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