Straight married 55yr old wm seeking a bwc or bbc under 35 to su

Hi first time actually doing something like this but here it goes I am a 55yr old clean married in shape straight wm looking for a young 18 -35 yr old bwc or bbc 8 inches or more to come over while my wife travels for her job and get jerked and sucked off until you cum. Sucked off one last week and I liked it want more. I want to feel a young hot throbbing cum filled dick in my mouth until it explodes that hot juice in my mouth. Text anytime to 616-610-6353 text me a hard dic pic when responding so I know your what I am looking for the bigger the berry visitor s welcome I m very discreet. Have a glory hole set up too if you prefer that just stick it in sit back relax and get sucked



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