6pc Outdoor Patio Furniture with Sunbrella Fabric (The Yosemite)

The Yosemite 6-Seater Outdoor Patio SetWe at Cozy Corner Patios are not only making your outdoor living simplified but also helping you live an enchanting outdoor experience with our 6-piece outdoor sectional known as the Yosemite.The six-piece lounge sofa with a three-over-three cushion design offers ample room for multiple guests. Along with that two deeply set matching armchairs offer individual seating for two more people. At the same time the ottoman gives you and your guests plenty of space to kick back and relax.What you get with this 6 piece outdoor sectional couch One Middle Sofa Two Arm Chairs Two Flat Corner Sofas One Ottoman Six Seat Cushions and Seven Back Cushions Grab Now for 2 979.00 with coupon code FREEDOM20 before it goes. Free Freight Shipping on all orders. Ships out in 48 hours. Arrives in 1-2 weeks.Shop here - The Yosemite 6-Seater Outdoor Patio Set



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