Benefits of Planting Western Red Cedar Hedges

With a dense habit that remains evergreen all year long Western Red Cedar hedges form a visually arresting hedge in any outdoor location. Although it does well in a range of situations it often flourishes in wet habitats and areas with cooler summer conditions. It makes a great privacy hedge and is bright green all year long.Selecting and planting Western Red Cedar for your next hedge has several immediate advantages Dark glossy green foliage that maintains its shape and color throughout the year Fast growth with a conical form that reacts well to hedging A fantastic privacy screen is created by tall mature height. Simple to maintain in many climates Thuja plicata Virescens has a taller and narrower habit than other Thujas and its vertical branching creates a very eye-catching hedge. For more details visit www.instanthedge.comMail us at- order(at)



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