Matrix Hospital

Matrix Hospital We are Thane s best hospital which provides a wide range of healthcare services for you and your loved ones. Specialties like Trauma care, Intensive care, Infertility Gynecology, Pregnancy Care, and General Medicine are some of the major services offered by us at an affordable price. Matrix is a 17-bedded hospital that caters to various services ranging from simple health checkups to the most complex operation, Leading the field of healthcare, we are one of the best hospitals in Thane. The Hospital has a modular operation theatre, X-Ray Facility with an in-house pharmacy, and 24/ 7 hours emergency ambulance service.Matrix Hospital We are Thane s best hospital which provides a wide range of healthcare services for you and your loved ones. Specialties like Trauma care, Intensive care, Infertility Gynecology, Pregnancy Care, and General Medicine are some of the major services offered by us at an affordable price. Matrix is a 17-bedded hospital that caters to various services ranging from simple health checkups to the most complex operation, Leading the field of healthcare, we are one of the best hospitals in Thane. The Hospital has a modular operation theatre, X-Ray Facility with an in-house pharmacy, and 24/ 7 hours emergency ambulance service. Address 2nd Floor, Teejadeep Mall Near vikas complex, castle mill circle Thane west, Maharashtra 400601 Phone no. 7400082350



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