KCI Registered Yorkshiere Terrier puppies through all over india

A newborn Yorkshire Terrier puppy is born black with tan points on the muzzle above the eyes around the legs and feet and toes the inside of the ears and the underside of the tail. Occasionally Yorkies are born with a white star on the chest or on one or more toes. Also a few Yorkies are born with a red tint in their coat but that is only when the parents also have this trait. It is also common to find white patch on one or more nails These markings fade with age and are usually gone within a few months.It may take three years or more for the coat to reach its final colour. The final colour is usually a black grayish colour.Website - www.sriganeshfarm.co.inEmailid - sriganeshfarm(at)gmail.com sreeganeshfarm(at)gmail.comMobile number - (whats app 08372091696)Delivery anywherein india without taking any charges.Any orther query pls call sreeganesh farm . Thanks



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