2009 Miller Pro 5300-18F Silage Wagon For Sale In Olar South Car

2009 Miller Pro 5300-18F Silage Wagon For Sale In Olar South Carolina 29843 Serial Number AWM5300091317 Get ready to maximize your efforts in the field with this 2009 Miller Pro 5300-18F Silage Wagon. This durable Silage Wagon has been very well maintained which has enabled its work ready condition. It comes fully loaded with options and features that are perfect for any hard-working individual. This 18 Miller Pro silage wagon was purchased brand new in 2009. It was used on a small dairy to put up around 65-70 acres of corn silage each year. It has not been used in the last three years. Started custom chopping silage. So this wagon is no longer needed. It has always been shed stored when not in use so you can rest assured that this Silage Wagon will be hard at work for many years to come This 2009 Miller Pro 5300-18F Silage Wagon is ready to get to work for you. It is field ready and eager to help you start generating revenue right away. If you are someone who appreciates quality equipment at a great price than you owe it to yourself to check out this Silage Wagon. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to gain industry success because this Miller Pro 5300-18F is priced to sell. Call today for more information on how you can put this industrious 2009 Miller Pro 5300-18F Silage Wagon to work for you



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