Restaurant assistant Manager

Restaurant assistant Manager Terms of Employment -Position Restaurant assistant Manager-Vacancy 1-Work Hours 6 8 hours per day or 30 40 hours per week (Full-time) Permanent-Wage 26.50 27.00 per hour (depending on experience)-Benefit 4% of gross salary Vacation pay Job Duties -Assist the restaurant manager in planning organizing and directing the restaurant operation-Set work schedules and monitor each staffs performance-Direct staff and make sure operational procedures are followed-Resolve customer complaints and ensure health and safety regulations are followed-Negotiate arrangements with suppliers for all supplies-address customers complaints or concerns-Oversee staff training Requirements -Experience Minimum 2 3 years of related experience-Language English is required-Education Completion of Secondary School Apply -By Email mrbrorichmond(at) -By Mail Mr Bro Korean Bistro & Izakaya or 2000-8580 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 4B3



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